Sunday, February 1, 2015

Retreat for Confirmation Year 1 and 2 (2015)

On Saturday January 24 we held our retreat for Confirmation students in both year 1 and 2.  Matt Merry from the diocese was our retreat leader.  We had 128 teenagers present.  The retreat started at 9:00 am and ended with everyone attending the 5:30 Mass.  The church was packed!  I wanted to share some pictures of the day with you.

First we had some Icebreaker games
Presentations and Videos followed by small group discussions 
Community games

Presentations from the students.

Washing of the disciples' feet.

With a captivated audience.
And talks from peers who have been confirmed.
I would like to thank Matt Merry as well as all the volunteers who have made this retreat a success!

Please keep our soon to be confirmed candidates in your prayers.